Standalone helper tools. Scripted, compiled, whatever it takes to get the job done
3,982.96 Kb
Complete Nuke Hotkeys Sheet (Hi-Res)

1,745.94 Kb
Complete Nuke Hotkeys Sheet for your desktop wallpaper for 2560x1600 pixels screen resolution.

1,744.23 Kb
Complete Nuke Hotkeys Sheet for your desktop wallpaper for 2560x1600 pixels screen resolution.

110.65 Kb
An easy way to create Nuke 6.1 style icons using Adobe Photoshop CS5

246.42 Kb
V!ctor Tools is a suite of gizmos and Python scripts for different tasks.

1,788.87 Kb
Nuke/Hiero Python stubs files to support auto-complete in text editors.

32.28 Kb
NukeVimDCC: Vim-like keybinding for Nuke's default Script Editor.

7.20 Kb
Example Flame pybox scripts Use to host a Nuke scene within a Flame pybox node

129.66 Kb
This software was made to create quickly nuke auto configurated files from an image sequence. -Supported image formats: cin, dpx, exr, gif, hdr, hdri, jpg, jpeg, iff, png, png16, psd, r3d, sgi, rgb, rgba, sgi16, pic, tif, tiff, tif16, tiff16, ftif, ftiff, tga, targa, rla, xpm, yuv