U.R.A. - (Universal Render Adjuster) (URA) v2.4

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Contributor: Phil Prates
A universal toolset for breaking out and adjusting CG renders from any render engine inside The Foundry's Nuke.
14.0, 13.2, 13.1, 13.0, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
05 Apr 2024

U.R.A. is a panel that loads in Nuke and breaks out channels that are in multi-channel renders to allow for adjustment.
Please see the Info.html under the ./docs folder for a more detailed description of how the tool works or visit the link below: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSWkAxc4E4o1jLdx53-LHO7_MuxlQM0amnP7UsoXMmfM2N8O17OwM2e1mEkx-GsUloGBbcwzWBHm_Is/pub

The tool ships with configs for Arnold, Mantra, V-Ray and Redshift, but can be update to work with any back to beauty recipe from any render package.
Test render images are available at the link below:

To install simple extract the zip and place it in a directory that nuke loads via: nuke.pluginAddPath({PATH_TO_URA})
Install instructions included for modifying pipeline specific workflows in ./docs/install_readme.txt:
- Configs
- Custom nodes
- pipeline_custom script

A huge thank you to everyone using the tool and providing the feedback that allowed v2 to be so much better than v1.
This release brings a lot more stability and accuracy to the workflow, while still feeling familiar to long time users of the toolset.

Keep that feedback coming.

v2.4.0 - changelog

- Added config for 'karma' renderer in Houdini
- Added config for 'cycles' renderer in Blender

Bug fixes
- Cleared bad defaults on ura_contact node causing issue where first build had no image
- Changed callback on ura_contact for setting font to work in Nuke 13+

v2.3.0 - changelog

- Moved ura_contact_layer into node based method, layer was changing bbox on renders
- Added callback to disable the ura_contact node when not viewing with active viewer
- Added toggle to allow output of contact sheet and control buttons for each group to view
- Added button to create the ura_contact node
- Added toggle to panel to allow bypass of raw divides and preference to set default in panel for this setting (Applies to builds and Adjusts)
- Moved create grade button under the grade selection
- Removed refresh selection button as lists are no longer used in v2.0.0+
- Exposed version number in preferences

Bug fixes
- Updated preferences knob names for correct behavior on version update

v2.1.1 - changelog (Nukepedia v2.2)

- Reupload only to fix bad zip

v2.1.0 - changelog

- Added icon to URA menu item

Bug fixes
- Fixed expand button call fail caused by rename of channel_adjust node to group_merge

v2.0.0 - changelog

- Separated channel changes from group changes for more accurate and faster workflow
- Removed no longer required list operations from many place for cleaner setups
- Added ura_config node to define the breakout below, new channels are much easier to deal with now
- Removed mult_lists and changed to premult and unpremult all workflow
- Renamed 'channel_adjust' to 'group_merge' as internals changed greatly
- Created channel_shuffle node that combines group changes with channel changes
- Removed layer_contact branch from graph and added channel ura_layer_contact to group_merge node for quicker viewing
- Color map/albedo passes now use standard merge and copy instead of channel_merge node
- Updated UI and Docs to reflect newest update

Bug fixes
- Corrected grade button and rebuild adjust button bug caused by grade selection feature conflict

v1.1.1 - changelog (NUKEPEDIA v1.2)

Bug fixes
- removed font setting from contact sheet tool
- added grade selection to create adjust buttons (causing error message)

v1.1.0 - changelog

- removed math on 'negative' pixels, this was causing extreme colors when renders had negative pixels in the channels
- layer concatenation performance improvement
- added preference panel overrides in nuke preferences, this allows custom configs, nodes, or grades to be loaded without access to the main U.R.A. install location

- added DAG selected node function to allow builds inside of group nodes
- added refresh selection, a quality of life button to refresh all U.R.A. tools that use list selections
- added label nodes to each break out block for ease of sight
- corrected layer_contact sheet to support anamorphic renders
- added channel_colorcorrect, a more comp centric grade option

URA is a collection of scripts and functions to break apart any CG render for adjustments within The Foundry's Nuke program Copyright (C) 2021 Phil Prates This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/
Please login in order to download these files.


+1 # Jacob Slutsky 2023-09-14 15:10
This is a great tool Phil.
Thanks for releasing it into the wild.
0 # Ran Xie 2024-03-11 04:43
Great Tool Phil!

Just a quick question - is there something I'm supposed to be doing after I adjust the URA Config node in order to update the URA to grab the correct passes? For some reason the Lighting team are doing renders with unusual pass names like "RV_Reflections " or "Reflection" which aren't getting picked up by the URA...
0 # Phil Prates 2024-03-18 02:54
Hey Ran,
The configs are the place to look, URA finds components that "start with" a defined token, for example.
'Reflection' being the defined key, you channel must start with the same token. You could have Reflection_dire ct and Reflection_indi rect or just simply "Reflection".
Make sure you check the case of your channel names and tokens in the config, then select the config from the URA panel.

The configs are found in the installed ura directory
They are text JSON files that can be edited with a simple text editor to add the tokens needed.
0 # Phil Prates 2024-03-18 02:57
0 # Jacques Dziura 2024-03-20 21:54
Hi Phil,
Thanks for this new version !
jHowever I have an issue with the expand button.
It looks like there is a leftover from the last version that doesn't handle the "channel_adjus" t anymore. Thus it returns this issue " NameError: name 'tail' is not defined"
0 # Phil Prates 2024-03-21 15:04
Hello Jacques
Thanks for the find, silly bug on my end.
I will update the package but for a quick fix if anyone needs it.

Replace the ./component_adj ust.nk node in the ./nodes folder with the one available here:

No restart required
0 # Jacques Dziura 2024-03-22 14:49
Thanks a lot!
0 # kang heekwon 2024-03-23 17:26
I only have the manual in the compressed file. Please check it
0 # kang heekwon 2024-03-23 17:26
I only have the manual in the compressed file. Please check it
0 # Michael McReynolds 2024-03-24 01:11
Looks like the zip file only contains the manual in the latest version.
0 # Phil Prates 2024-03-25 22:56
- thanks

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