AOV Selector v1.0

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Contributor: Darren MacKay
AOV selector will show you all your layers grouped into convenient lists from anywhere within your script, and allow you to search, view, and work with them.
10.5, 10.0, 9.0, 8.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
04 Apr 2017


AOV selector will show you all your layers grouped into convenient lists from anywhere within your script, and allow you to search, view, and work with them.




Select a node and press meta+a (windows+a on a PC, control+a on a mac), or access AOV Selector from the “Channel” menu.

AOV Selector will pop up with all of your layers sorted into lists.

You can start typing to filter the layers. Layers that do not contain the search term will become grayed out, but you can still click them. (clear search box to restore all layers).



Shift + Click a layer

Temporarily switch viewer to view selected layer at the selected node. (Viewer input and channel are restored when AOV selector closes.)

Click a layer

Create a shuffle node set to selected layer.

Ctrl/Command + Click a layer

Create a “Custom” node (defined in settings) and automatically set one of it’s knobs to the selected layer. (e.g. GradeAOV, pMatte).

Click on list heading

Create a contact sheet containing only the list’s layers.


With “Auto close” checked, AOV selector will close after creating a shuffle, “custom” node, or contact sheet. Disable it to be able to create multiple nodes without re-opening AOV selector.

To close AOV selector with “Auto close” disabled, click on the close button, click on the NUKE interface, or press esc.




Clicking on the gear in the top right will allow you to customise how AOV Selector sorts your layers, set up a “custom” node, and enable or disable “auto close”.




Copy to a startup directory.

Copy the following lines to your

import nuke

import AOV_selector

ChannelMenu ='Nodes').menu('Channel')

ChannelMenu.addCommand('AOV selector', 'AOV_selector.AOVselector()', 'meta+A')

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+1 # Jason Huang 2018-04-05 21:11

Super useful! I have been using in in Nuke10.5. But I got an error below when launching Nuke 11.1v2

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "H:/.nuke/menu. py", line 786, in
import AOV_selector
File "C:/Users/chuan g/.nuke/nuke_sc ripts\AOV_selec", line 2, in
from PySide.QtGui import *
ImportError: No module named PySide.QtGui

Would it be possible to update the script to be compatible with Nuke 11?
0 # Reza Sadeghi 2021-04-28 22:38
same problem
0 # Christa Zhang 2023-04-05 00:16
For others who are having this issue, Nuke transitioned from PySide to PySide2 starting from v11. To fix this, just replace the PySide imports with PySide2, like so:

from PySide.QtGui import *
from PySide2.QtGui import *
0 # vincent thomas 2019-03-18 14:37
I second that, very usefull, please update it for latest version, many thanks!
0 # christoph hoffmann 2021-01-03 14:35
Hi, Thanks for the great tool. Can you please update it for nuke 12

0 # Reza Sadeghi 2021-04-29 17:21
it doenst work in nuke 13. it cant be loat at all.
+1 # Michael McReynolds 2024-01-24 01:18
Dealing with Unreal in Nuke and this looked like it was a perfect script panel to use to sift through the AOVs so I decided to fix it.

The reason why this wasn't working is because it was written for PySide but Nuke is now using PySide2. Just replace the imports with PySide2 imports and it should start working.

from PySide2.QtWidge ts import *
from PySide2.QtCore import *
from PySide2.QtGui import *
import nuke
import sys
import os

Alternatively, you can download it from my repo :

Happy comping

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