findPath v1.1

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Contributor: diogo dubiella
This is a simple Script that searching in each directories and subdirectories. Looking for the files in Node with path errors. He Find new Path and Replace to correct this one.
4.8, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
25 Oct 2012

findPath 1.1

This is a simple Script that searching in each directories and subdirectories. Looking for the files in Node with path errors. He Find new Path and Replace to correct this one.
findPath - nuke script on Vimeo.

Copy to YourNukeRootFoder/plugins/
Copy icons/findPath.png to YourNukeRootFoder/plugins/icons/
Append to in YourNukeRootFoder/plugins/

import findPath
# findPath
m = menubar.addMenu("&Edit")
m.addCommand("-", "", "")
m.addCommand("findPath", "findPath.findPath()" , icon='findPath.png')


findPath - nuke script from diogo dubiella on Vimeo.


Warning: If you choose a big directory... for example c:/ your root directory. Probably you nuke will crash or will take a little longer to get back. because the script read each single folder and subfolder looking for the missing path to file.

Bug Fixed

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0 # sebastian brown 2012-12-19 11:14
dude awesome excited for this thanks!!!!
0 # gideon hananiel 2013-01-22 03:29
Works great on image sequences but it seems that it cannot retrieve back video files like .dpx and .mov. ( so far im facing problem on this 2 files). Is there any updates or any script i need to add to retrieve back video files.

Thx for the script !
0 # diogo dubiella 2014-11-09 20:22
Quoting gideon hananiel:
Works great on image sequences but it seems that it cannot retrieve back video files like .dpx and .mov. ( so far im facing problem on this 2 files). Is there any updates or any script i need to add to retrieve back video files.

Thx for the script !

My friend Magno, made a great version for this script.
Work with everything!

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