makedirectory v1.0

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Contributor: keiji nakatsuji
A directory is made simply.
6.3, 7.0 or later
28 May 2012

The script can create a directory. This is easy.

Please write to file  "import makedirectory” will be created in the image tab.(2012.5.28)

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0 # Sanjeev Kumar 2012-05-26 07:46
doesn't work, just create entry makeDirectory in the image tab
0 # Varun Hadkar 2012-06-06 16:45
you can also paste this in the before render within the write node :

if not os.path.isdir(o s.path.dirname( nuke.thisNode() .knob("file").v alue())): os.makedirs(os. path.dirname(nu ke.thisNode().k nob("file").val ue()))
0 # keiji nakatsuji 2012-06-07 08:02
Hi、Varun Hadkar
Thanks for your comment. Used effectively in the time and situation.
0 # keiji nakatsuji 2012-06-08 01:14
hi, Varun Hadkar

When using "%v" in the case of a stereo camera, what happens?
Is there any good method?
0 # Varun Hadkar 2012-06-24 13:13
Hey Keiji,

It should work just fine. You can even split the eye in different folders in the write path.
0 # keiji nakatsuji 2012-06-28 01:02
thanks! It is right.

But, I think.
I would like to make each folder of L and R.
For example, when FilePath is such cases

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