médula v1.0

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Contributor: Javier Garcia
An interactive pipeline builder for nuke
6.2, 6.3, 7.0 or later
23 Dec 2011

médula ( marrow in spanish ) is a pipeline builder written in pure python for the foundry´s NUKE.


Drag'n'Drop tool installation ( including tool icon setup ), no need of python.

Import once, use everywhere, import your most used modules once and use anywhere without importing again.

Toolset Based, setup a per-user, per-project, per-anything config in a glimpse.

Robust Code Reload in Runtime, no need to reload Nuke to review changes in code.

Node Scripting, a common interface to define Nodes, Panels and userNodes.

Tabs Interface, write a tab in nodeScript and use same interface in several nodes.

Knife included

Knife is a demo toolset defining a complete and functional pipeline currently used in production.


Take a look first at some quick'n'dirty videotutorials at YouTube sopmedula's Channel

médula documentation will be in a Shared Collection in Google Docs, feel free to edit, correct, extend , comment ...

Installing and Downloading médula

Original Install Document Reference 

1. médula is hosted in github.

2. Download it as a zip file or clone in your computer.

2.1 If you have downloaded médula as zip, uncompress anywhere in your hard disk and rename root folder to "medula", this is not necessary but it´s recommended.

Captura_de_pantalla_2011-12-23_a_las_14.10.07 toCaptura_de_pantalla_2011-12-23_a_las_14.10.22

3. Include médula root folder to nuke´s plugin search path

nuke.pluginAddPath( 'path/to/medula' )

If you notice some weird behaviour isolate médula from your own code and let médula run alone.

4. Run nuke.

Help needed

médula is written and maintained only by me. As you can see my english is pretty bad and I suck doing tutorials so if you have

some time to collaborate writing or recording some english spoken videotutorials about médula I will be much obliged to you.

Thanks for your interest in médula


Please login in order to download these files.


0 # Buba Martinez 2011-12-27 18:12
¿Que tal un tutorial en español, Javi? Me ha gustado mucho esta herramienta. Bravo!
0 # Javier Garcia 2011-12-28 03:15
Sin problema, me pongo a ello inmediatamente.

Lo voy a ir haciendo aqui https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-dkGfiTDTUzfCY9oefbRKJMRVKvLSAiehVd7JtWnTjo/edit

He elegido google docs para ir haciendo la documentación escrita por que varias personas pueden
editar el mismo documento simultaneamente y se pueden poner comentarios en el texto, así se puede
generar una documentación mas interactiva y colaborativa que una wiki.

Cualquier cosa en la que quieras que preste especial atención simplemente comenta o edita el documento y
yo me encargo de actualizarlo.

Muchas gracias por el interes en mi trabajo Buba. :-)

0 # Buba Martinez 2011-12-28 06:55
Ole, ole y ole por tu velocidad y tus ideas.
Genial lo de google docs (al igual que el resto).
Lo twittearé según añadas nuevos datos @MographSpain
y en una nueva web que estreno el 1 de enero.
Te tendré informado. Ya soy fan tuyo! Muchas gracias y que tengas un año bonito, Javi! :-)
0 # Javier Garcia 2011-12-28 09:45
Igualmente :-)

Por el momento dejo el tuto en castellano en standby mientras simplifico algunas cosas de la libreria.

De todas maneras si necesitas que añada lo que sea solo pidemelo y lo hago en un ratillo.

Un saludo
0 # Zach Lewis 2011-12-28 13:29
Hey Javier, this is some incredible stuff right here. I'm gonna have a look at everything, and I'll see if I can help out on the documentation / tutorial front. Give me a little time to digest everything you've put together, and I'll be in touch. Thanks for all your hard work, friend...
0 # Javier Garcia 2011-12-28 13:48
Thanks Zach,

current videos in the youtube channel are like a 10,000.000 foot overview of médula, you are going to freak out with the Space Oriented paradigm.

I´m currently working in a panel to update médula with a button, so is encouraged to download the version hosted in Nukepedia cause I´m doing tests with the master brach in github.

I forgot to mention in the panel tutorial videos that if you change the extension from .panel to .mpanel the panel becomes modal.

Thanks to all of you for take a look at médula.

0 # Zach Lewis 2011-12-28 15:02
Yeah man, I had a look at a few of the videos, and some of the things you're showing are nothing less than jaw-dropping... this is such an intelligent system, and I'm really looking forward to diving in and getting my feet wet with Medula. Honestly, what you've provided here is one of the most significant additions to Nuke I've ever seen on Nukepedia.

A few months ago, I started developing my own asset management / pipeline system for Nuke, and then, a week or so later, Hiero was announced, and I lost all enthusiasm :-). Needless to say, I didn't get very far, but I'd be happy to contribute anything that seems relevant. I got as far as creating the backend for a localized web-server (Flask) that serves as a means of sharing json dictionaries across scripts (and, theoretically, applications / projects / even facilities). Since I pretty much just started having a serious look at Medula, I'm not too sure how relevant that kind of thing would be yet. It might work harmoniously. The other thing I was looking at was integrating the Dropbox API for local user configurations, which may or may not be a catastrophic idea :-).

Anyway. I'm going through the tutorial you wrote in Spanish, with the aid of Google Translator, and re-writing it in English as I go. I figure I might as well kill two birds with one stone, right? I'll send you a google page when I'm done.
0 # Zach Lewis 2011-12-28 18:15
Heya Javi. Still working on that tutorial translation...

Just a quick question:
The primary difference between .nk files saved in a medula toolset's Template directory and what Nuke 6.3 calls ToolSets is that a Medula Template can be stored remotely, on a server, whereas Nuke's native ToolSets must be stored locally, right?
0 # Javier Garcia 2011-12-29 04:51
Hey Zach,

pretty impressive tutorial, thanks a lot, much obliged. A quick publish with some comments at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WikoA4fdHBbVJlmtHBFm796_GaSnwtHB8PQVMs735yY/edit

Feel free to edit the document directly.

The Template system has a quick'n'dirty design, just to share node setups with the peers on my facility effortless. The feature will be reviewed in the future.

The idea behind médula is to be stored in a remote resource and to work like a folder-based database for all the artists in the facility. Wait a little for the Knife tutorial and you will understand everything.

Again, thanks for your tutorial, now I need to adapt mine in Spanish to your tutorial. :-)

0 # Adrian monroy 2011-12-30 15:58
Una gran aportación, muy generosa por tu parte. :-)
0 # Buba Martinez 2012-01-01 11:54
Lo prometido es deuda! http://tinyurl.com/786m652
0 # Javier Garcia 2012-01-01 13:27
Muchas gracias Buba,

menuda currada de recopilación e información, desde ahora se convertirá en mi principal página de referencia.

Féliz 2012 para todos!!!
0 # Buba Martinez 2012-01-01 16:16
:-) Espero que sigamos en contacto
0 # Mateusz Tokarz 2012-05-22 03:09
Great work done here. Thanks!
0 # Andei Antonuk 2012-07-17 08:39
when I install medula i cant work with mov and avi. Nuke goes down//// wrote ---DDimage.dll error. When i delete medula all fine. Can you help me with it.
0 # Javier Garcia 2012-07-19 09:20
Hi Andei,

I can guess you are using a 64bit Nuke under Windows, right?.
I can`t do anything right now, but give me two weeks and I'll take a look at it.

0 # Andei Antonuk 2012-07-19 10:38
yes... Windows nuke 64 /... I will be wait for help/,,,
0 # Javier Garcia 2012-08-09 05:55
Hi Andei,

Sorry for the delay, I'm quite busy right now. I have been doing some tests but I cannot reproduce the crash. Can you give more details about used codecs, nuke version, the way you load the clips ( drag'n drop or nuke browser ). Are you using the included Knife ?
0 # Andei Antonuk 2012-08-09 09:23
Nuke version 6.3.4
Nuke fail down every time. Sometimes he work 5 minute or little be longer and fail again. When i delete Medula, all works fine.
Codecs - ffdshow. The most important part of medula for me - history of render and saved scripts. If you maybe now what part of medulas brain i can delete to help her) work fine. Thanks
0 # Javier Garcia 2012-08-09 10:03
Let me check with those parameters.

With "history of render and saved scripts" did you mean the Inspector node?.
If you have the Inspector node, then you are using Knife and you can try these stuff:

- Browse to medula/knife/No de, there you should find a file named 'Read.node'.
- Disable the file renaming it to __Read.py, files and folders with double underscore are invisible to medula.

Disabling the Read node these tools will fail, because they depends on knobs defined in the .node file:

- make green
- publish panel

The auto-discovery of proxy files will stop working also.

Test your most used tools to see if all is working properly.

If Nuke keep crashing, then disable the 'contextRead' tool, ../medula/knife /Toolbar/Nodes/ Image/contextRe ad.py, rename with underscore, same as __Read.node. Now the 'R' shortcut behaviour will be the Nuke's factory default.
0 # Javier Garcia 2012-08-09 10:57
Sorry my mistake. Disabling the Red.node file will affect also to the save script history system. It will raise when the script is saved.

You can download this patch file that seems to work:


I have disabled two callbacks in the file : file & find_proxy, def file >> def _file & def find_proxy >> def _find_proxy

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