Mo_CornerpinTools v1.0

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Contributor: Mohan Pugaz
Two Simple tools to automate some cornerpin workflow.
11.0, 10.5, 10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 7.1, 7.0 or later
07 May 2017

Simple tools for speed up cornerpining workflow:



It is really painfull when we want to change the reference frame of the cornerpin

Usual Workflow:

 - go to the reference frame

 - copying the values from 'to' to 'from' using 'copy to' using the copy to button in

the from tab of the cornerpin node

 -then delete the animation in all knobs of the from tab one by one

so that the cornerpin will match the reference frame

To automate this process I made this simple tool

so once we click on the set ref button on the M_tab

it will do al l the above process automatically and set the current frame as reference

Go to the refference frame hit the button and your ref frame is changed just like


Set Ref Workflow:

 - Go to reference frame hit the button and enjoy !

cptoolssetref    cptoolssetrefMenu




If you have a habit of tweaking your track with another cornerpin then this is gonna

be usefull for you

Usual workflow:

- Go to any frame where you want to start tweaking the track

- Add a new cornerpin node before the tracked cornerpin

- disable the cornerpin temporaryly for adjusting the corners to the patch

- Adjust the corners (Painfull task!)

- Go to from tab copy the values using 'copy to' button

- Go back to the main tab and set keyframe on all from knobs(another pain, soo lazy

me! :))

- Start Animating!

AutoCorner Workflow:

-Goto the desired frame

-select the node above your tracked cp (last node of your patching)

-Hit the button and enjoy!

before     CPToolsAC menu





step 1 - Extract and copy paste the entire folder on your nuke home directory(C:/Users/username/.nuke)

step 2 - if there is a file called open that in text editor and add the following code nuke.pluginAddPath('./mo_tools')

Please login in order to download these files.


0 # Jorge M 2017-05-11 14:41
Look great ! Do you know if it's possible to implement on the default cornerpin ?

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