Nuke Backup and Recovery Toolkit v1.0
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12.2, 12.1, 12.0, 11.3, 11.2, 11.1, 11.0, 10.5 or later
What is Km Backup And Recovery Toolkit ?
It’s a tool(script) for Nuke that every time user saves the project, create backups from project file in one or two different locations.
Why should I use this ?
Sometimes Nuke project files are corrupted and there’s no way to get it back. For example, project file won’t open or nodes connections are gone. So Km Backup And Recovery Toolkit makes backups from project hourly or daily and whenever we have problem, we can use backups files.
( User Guide PDF file included)
Copy “Km Backup And Recovery Toolkit” to Nuke’s plugins directory and add following code to end of the file:
For Example, copy “Km Backup And Recovery Toolkit” to :
C:\Program Files\Nuke12.1v1\plugins
And add the code to :
C:\Program Files\Nuke12.1v1\plugins\
After That, we will see the icon in nuke toolbar menu
OS : Window
Nuke Version: 12, 11, 10.5, 10
How to use
If the plugin is installed successfully, backups will be created automatically.
Functionality in Detail:
Click on Km Backup And Recovery in menu to see the panel and settings:
Backup Service: Enable or Disable whole backup functionality. If Select Disable , It will not make any backups
Use As Static Panel: With clicking on Add Panel To Pane Button, Backup Panel will add as a static panel to nuke panes (like properties, node graph, …) for easier access
Help: Open user guide pdf file (current file)
Km Backup And Recovery Toolkit can backup project file in 2 different locations. Local Backup service save backup file in a folder beside the project file. Secondary Backup service save backup file in specified folder by user.
Active: Enable or Disable service
Keep one version per hour: backup a version of project for each hour
Keep one version per day: backup a version of project for each day
For example, we have a project named “test” and have worked on it at the date 25_09_2020 from hour 16 to 20, if Scheduling is “per hour” backup files will be like this:
But in “per day” mode, we will have just a version for each day:
After working four days we have a version for each day:
Big Script File Option :Each time we save the project , the last backup file will be updated, so with every save operation Nuke will save project files 3 times (1 : main project file , 2 : local backup , 3: secondary backup). If the project file is huge, It is possible to have overhead on hard disk or network and cause to lag . By check “Big Script File Option” save operation for the backup file will be performed only once an hour. For example if a version of backup file exists for 15:10 , it will not save (update or save new version based on Scheduling settings) until 16:00 .
Open Backup Folder :Open backup folder in file explorer
This section shows the list of backups for current project
Source :
Local Backups : shows list of local backups
Secondary Backups : shows list of secondary backups
Table Columns :
Backup Time : Date and time of backup file last update
File url : Full path of backup file
Replace: Recovery of backup file (It will replace current node graph with selected backup file)
Open : Open backup file in a new Nuke instance
Delete : Delete Backup File
This is the first version and I am very happy with your feedback.
Most appreciated!
would love to be able to use it
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