scriptCleanup v1.1

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Contributor: Simon Jokuschies
cleanup current nuke script: collect all nodes that are not connected to any node and/ or which output is not used at all in the current script. these nodes can then be disabled or removed with one click
11.0, 10.5, 10.0, 9.0, 8.0 or later
Linux, Mac, Windows
02 Jan 2019

  a brief video demonstration can be found here:


  collect all nodes that are not connected to any node and/ or which output is not used at all in the current script.
  Hold Shift and press C. This opens the scriptCleanup window in which you can choose to select:

  dependent nodes: Node's output is not used; Nodes that are connected to the node's output
                   (all nodes that read information from this node)

  dependency nodes: Node's input is not used; Nodes that are connected to the node's input
                   (all nodes referred to by this node)

  if nothing is select: check for all nodes that don't have any inputs connected

  in both methods (dependent/dependencies) these node connection options are included:
  connection via expressions
  connection via visible input pipes
  connection via hidden input pipes

  after clicking the 'collect' button the window shows unused nodes depending on the selected mode: nodes that are
  not connected to any node and/ or which output is not used at all.

  The nodes table shows a row for each unused node:
      # a button with the name of the unused node. By clicking it the dag gets navigated to the node
      # a checkbox for batch processing disable/enable (se below)
      # a button to remove the node

  At the bottom of the window you have three buttons:
  # toggle check/uncheck nodes: check or uncheck all unused nodes in the table
  # disable all checked nodes: click this button to disable all checked nodes. If a checkbox is unchecked then
    the unused node will be enabled
  # remove all checked nodes: click this button to remove all checked nodes


  put the whole scriptCleanup folder in your nuke home directory
  in in your nuke home directory add this line (without '#'):



version info:


Make ready for Nuke11


Initial release


Please note: This is tool is legacy code. Although it works as expected, it does not reflect my coding level and coding style. This code needs to be updated in the future, but I haven't found time to do so, yet.


Bildschirmfoto 2016-03-31 um 19.13.41

Bildschirmfoto 2016-03-31 um 19.12.05

Please login in order to download these files.


0 # darren coombes 2018-08-29 22:26
I'm getting this error when nuke starts up..

from PySide.QtGui import *
ImportError: No module named PySide.QtGui
0 # Simon Jokuschies 2019-01-02 08:29
Hi Darren,
Sry for the late reply, I didn't get any notification. I have updated the tool to make it runnable wioth Nuke11 now as well. Your stated ImportError should now be solved. Please download version 1.1 and give it another try.

Cheers, Simon
0 # darren coombes 2018-08-29 22:26
I'm getting this error when nuke starts up..

from PySide.QtGui import *
ImportError: No module named PySide.QtGui
0 # bang meng 2019-10-15 10:15
Unable to undo, undo expired。Great tool

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