Toggle Tracker4 TRS Values v1.0
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Contributor: Henriette Adel
toggle the T, R and S values of a Tracker4 Node for each track at once
11.0, 10.5, 10.0 or later
11.0, 10.5, 10.0 or later
06 Aug 2019
Toggle Tracker4 TRS Values
This script allows you to enable/disable the T, R and S values of a Tracker4 Node for an infinite number of tracks at once.
If you choose the toggleTRS command in your animation menu this dialog box appears and lets you set each value separately.
The default values are chosen based on the values of your first track.
When OK is pressed, all values are set accordingly (expl.: enable everything).
- Copy the python file into your nuke environment
- add the following lines into your
from toggleTracker4TRS import toggleTrackerTRS
animM ='Animation')
animM.addCommand('toggleTRS', 'toggleTrackerTRS()')
- add a shortcut if you wish
Disclaimer: The inspiration for this one came from Narayani Andrade's Enable Tracker's TRS Tool (found here and programmed for a simple but more diverse usage. It was tested on a windows machine with Nuke10 and Nuke11, but should work with all versions.
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using Nuke 14
How do you run the Script?
The function needs to be embedded into the animation menu. It checks against nuke.thisNode() .Class() which would be Root if it is not started from within the Node's Animation Menu.
Then it still works in Nuke15 for me.
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