winExploreDir v1.0

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Contributor: Varun Hadkar
Explore your windows directory.
6.1, 6.2, 6.3 or later
14 Aug 2012

Tested on Windows 7 with Nuke 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.

I tried some python scripts in here to open my Read node in the windows explorer and apparently nothing worked(well at least for me). Here is something Thorsten wrote which is quite helpful and it might be helpful to you.

For your

1 'Nuke' ).addCommand( 'Edit/Explore Directory', "winExploreDir.exploreDir()", 'shift+b' )
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0 # Shailendra Pandey 2012-08-16 06:56
Varun any chance of getting this to work on a Mac
0 # Varun Hadkar 2012-09-10 00:40
Eeks, i just saw this. You can perhaps try this :
0 # Yatin Bhave 2014-07-17 18:15
hi varun

thanx a lot

Yatin Bhave
0 # Octavio Mancilla 2014-09-30 22:42
Very helpful, thanks!

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