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Contributor: zuo yizhen
A different nuke! Hack your operation! A new way to composite,include many powerful tools make your work easy and funny!
8.0 or later
8.0 or later
26 Jul 2014
Only for Nuke 8.x(please read WuKong_1.0B for nuke 8x.pdf first)
Wukong Trails
Introduction Wukong
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I'm trying to make it work on linux, I already fixed the installer to work on linux and title image :)
I'm getting an error when I run Nuke
Quote: I see you guys hard coded a few paths for windows, could this be part of the issue?
After adjusting those directories to point to the 'nukemenu' folder the preferences, layout, menu items load fine.
Now the only problem is loading the widgets. The 'makeUI' command seems to have back slashes mixed with forward slashes ("X:\nukemenu\/ menu.py", for line 52 and 32)
Did not find reg_Env
At first I found the problem, and then I found the need to install the python 2.7.2 and pyQt4for 2.7.2, but still found they couldn't open setup.
I use a command prompt running Python setup.pyw will be installed
But another machine I can directly open the installation, I don't know why.
I set up python 2.7.3 and PyQt4-4.11.1-gpl-Py2.7-Qt4.8.6-x64.exe
and it just can`t open setup.py
please be more specific about installation, thanks a lot!
After installation you need to replace the sip.pyd in your "WUKONG" folder with the version provided in C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages.
(PyQt4-4.11.1 won't work)
Do you have a github or bitbucket for this?
Because of stuff like your hardcoded filepaths, the only thing the .pyc files is preventing are people being able to quickly modify, use and test your tool.
Please wait for some time, we will release, py file, as a programmer, I believe you can understand, let everybody see bad grammar and without finishing off the content will be a how make me blush.
It does lose the comments though.
This is the message nuke gives
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\nukemenu\/m enu.py", line 52, in makeUI
NameError: global name 'hotkey' is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\nukemenu\/m enu.py", line 32, in makeUI
NameError: global name 'WUKONG' is not defined
Also do we need the 32 or 64 version of Pyhton/PyQT?
I tried to import this in nuke and there is an error
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
Maybe this is the cause of my problems. Tried both with Python 2.7.3 and PyQt 4.10 (and all it's variable versions) but nothing seems to work
Any advise?
My English is very bad, so I can only use googel translation
First of all, you must install Python and pyQt, by default, When Python is installed, python can not run normally, System variables to find the name of path ,and add the python path to it (C:\Python27)
( sometimes,pytho n will Collapse in Windows,Ido not know why,you must reinstall Python and pyQt )
And then in the successful implementation of the provided setup file, will automatically copy the SIP to the C:\Python27\Lib \site-packages. If not, please manually copy. Because some feedback I have mentioned the installation will lose this file
After that, you need replace layout1.xml and preferences8.0. nk what I provide
If this does not work, I guess you using nuke7x.? Because my version is currently only for nuke8x.
Parse error at line 23, column 61:
Can't create page 'uk.co.thefound ry.HotKeyPanel' .
Especially the "shake to disconnect" like in Shake/Houdini. Do you see any change of releasing this piece of code as a separate python script so artists are able to use this in the regular Nuke interface?
I think it would be quite popular.
\nukemenu\/menu .py
My English is very poor, so I can only use googel translation
In the Beta, I set all path in D:/nukemenu, next month We will update the final version , We will change function whith arbitary dirvers for setup path.
I hope you guys can distribute it to for friends or colleagues. there advices could be valuable for us and we can enhence the functions and thanks for your help and enjoy the next one
we did a lot of work and test in some projects to make sure it works and now it's easier to install
now we update a new version WUKONG 2.0
please check this
Thank you very much!!!
now we already update a new version Wukong 2.0
it's better now and it's useful for project
please check this
thank you!!!
hope you like it
thank you very much
hope you have not drop this project yet.
i really love it, but i still can not install.
i dont know how to contact you, hope you keep working and upgrade on it. and make tutorials to install it.
many thank
We redesign the code and add some new things to make it better and it's easier to install now.
please check this
thank you very much!!!
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