NodeGraph RSS
0.77 Kb
Align a bunch of Nodes either horizontally or vertically in the DAG
8.91 Kb
Create quick preset customised Backdrops
7.41 Kb
Help to keep node graph more organised by putting Dots and making connection 90 degrees
2.28 Kb
Semi-automatic output paths for Write nodes in Nuke.
7.91 Kb
Align your nodes faster in an easy and controllable way
22.75 Kb
UPDATED v2.2. A panel to quickly resize a selection of nodes in a controllable way by setting a pivot point. Works with backdrops.
4.52 Kb
MultiChannelSplit shuffles and autocroppes each layer individually. Shuffle out all layers or just individual layers. Option to prepare for outout - create and set up write nodes and create render directories automatically
11.66 Kb
DEPRECATED: Use the version from nuke-vector-matrix for a maintained version. Merge many transform nodes together. Supports Transforms, Trackers and Cornerpins. Outputs either a new Transform or a new Cornerpin based on the transformation.
6.45 Kb
enable drag and drop from Shotgun into Nuke
3.03 Kb
A keyboard shortcut that puts all selected dots in a straight corner with their input and output nodes.