14.73 Kb
'MultiShape2D' is designed to create customizable shapes, made from some complex expressions.

5.54 Kb
Noise with user friendly animation sliders and overscan

42.67 Kb
Creates an electrocardiogram / EKG / ECG Expression controlled, very customizeable

6.15 Kb
A gizmo to quickly and easily add droplets in front of the lens of a shot.

2.05 Kb
Offsets an rgb patch based on the alpha position. Used to remove unwanted areas of an image by copying another section of the same image over the problem area.

1.81 Kb
Create a 3D noise pattern along a surface based on a position image

1.37 Kb
radial rings is an expression based animator for creating radial rings. You can use it as a wipe tool or ripple effects. Hope it would come in handy.

11.68 Kb
Quickly generate mattes from 3d objects by utilizing the renderID and coverage passes.