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Automated Edge Extend for Despilling Edge.

6.90 Kb
This is my version of IBK Stacker, alows you to construct a IBK stacker from an IBK colour previusly set up

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Modified version of the DespillToColor by Johannes Masanz, which includes BG and clean plate inputs

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A collection of 3 different additive keying methods with the option to tint and mix bright and dark parts separately from each other.

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GW Happy Clamper Toolset (updated to 1.01 - changed from type: gizmo to group to increase compatibility) Simple Alpha Clamper and Difference Keyer with clamping controls.

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This tool will help with Despill and edge blending with the background plate.

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Rebuild of the IBK Gizmo keyer with more options and control for an all-in-one additive keyer node