8.86 Kb
Auto compositing -Connect a CG element in 'A' input -Connect a BG plate in the 'BG' input Attribute Effects 1- Haze Effect 2- Control Colors (Balance Forgraund) 3- Re-Grain 4- Transform (Forgraund) 5- Motion Blur 6- Merge Control (Balance Background ) 7- ReTime

7.04 Kb
Allows you to mix the edge of a target element with a BG element.

1.40 Kb
Simple Gizmo to mask, stencil, in or out ALL channels of a stream with a selected channel

25.73 Kb
A Merge node that offers an edge transition function (fade) along the A & B contact point. Its function is to avoid a hard edge on those operations that typically output it (e.g. max, min, etc.).

2.01 Kb
his fixes the issue when your background color is anything other then black. Just pick whatever color the guys in 3d or matte painters gave you and Walla! the funky color fringe is now gone. 1.0.2 Added an sRGB knob to do the operation in sRGB instead of linear.

3.15 Kb
A simple node that can set all your Merge or Keymix nodes bounding box to (A, B, union, intersection).

0.79 Kb
GUI or Render - return inputs in the UI or at Render time.

0.30 Kb
A simple switch node that changes color from green to red as it's switched from 0 to 1.