Merge RSS
2.77 Kb
RGB_light gizmo provides facility to Compose RGB light pass (directIrradiance) to Diffuse pass.
2.13 Kb
Stack merges with an 'over' operation to create better looking thicker smoke.
0.67 Kb
It may sometime happen that you render your scene with some colored background. With this kind of image there is always an issue with edge while doing pre-multiplication. Through this Gizmo you can easily deal with this kind of problem.
5.30 Kb
Automatically Merges different clips to be one clip with full control for each clip.
0.95 Kb
Merge node with an option to input the first and last frame to have it on.
3.07 Kb
Copy Merge Node using Math expression to drive the mix. (Random, Noise, Sin, Triangle, Square, Sawtooth, Bounce, Blip, Sineblip)
0.86 Kb
This is a switch that use a $gui expression to bypass process heavy nodes until render time.