15.07 Kb
Tiles an image along x and y in a custom format

16.01 Kb
Corner pin upgrade with which you can make offset in all the sides and use reference guide lines. Is implemented in nuke export options. You can export directly from the Nuke traker or Planar tracker.

10.43 Kb
this tool is used to automate looping animation of texture to move them linearly in one direction

10.90 Kb
Smart transforms with a very light gizmo. Without slowing down your scripts.

5.63 Kb
Adds moving glitch like effect to images or certain area of an image.

13.04 Kb
This gizmo allows you to change the reference frame from the STMap node itself, invert the transformation and allows adding motion blur. By Aitor Echeveste.

7.96 Kb
Sticky crop transforms a crop based on the transform input which could be any animated Transform node, Corner pin or tracker node.