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Contributor: chetalvfx

1.71 Kb

Through this Gizmo you can create fake reflection in post using Normal Pass.

10 Nov 2019
Contributor: comp_V01

5.41 Kb

This Gizmo gives you the power to change the reference frame of an animated STMap.

07 Jan 2020
Contributor: kevinfisch3

9.08 Kb

Camera to CornerPin

13 Jan 2020
Contributor: robowar

1.48 Kb

Crop images from two points

01 Feb 2020
Contributor: laio

1.65 Kb

Deform the image using as alpha as input. it's easy to use and animate. SmoothWarp_gizmo from Laio Passos on Vimeo.

17 Apr 2020
Contributor: vipuldechiya

0.75 Kb

It is a simple gizmo to pixelate the footage.

18 Jun 2020
Contributor: MiguelT

8.79 Kb

Create and transform copies of an input element.

21 Nov 2020
Contributor: cmccrowe

3.08 Kb

Make smooth warping transformations with this tool. It uses stmap to distort the image.

02 Aug 2020
Contributor: cmccrowe

0.97 Kb

An expression that creates an stmap. You can adjust the bbox. Thank Fabian Holtz for the tips

10 Dec 2022
Contributor: Fidelis

3.33 Kb

Disturbs your input

25 Oct 2020
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