Transform RSS
21.03 Kb
Expands the format to match the BBox allowing you to manipulate the pixels hidden beyond format. Then it generates a Reformat/Crop to get back to the original format
5.08 Kb
A corner pin node that automatically applies when a 2D tracker name is entered. Also the corner pin ensures the aspect ratio is maintained for the foreground element.
2.93 Kb
Simple rotation matrix gizmo with rotation order switch.
3.13 Kb
cornerpin - auto pinning based on bbox
21.15 Kb
Allows you to distort tracking data using a UVMap, such as that output by a LensDistortion node.
27.39 Kb
Converts your Tracker, computed on the original scan (distorted), into a new one with Undistorted tracks
365.05 Kb
Real Camera Shake Samples (Steady, Walk and Explosion). Scan recorded with a camera rig and 3D tracked. Organized into this gizmo to works in 2D and 3D mode.