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Contributor: BenMcEwan

19.06 Kb

A replacement for Nuke's default camera shake node -- offers more control over 3 different frequencies of camera shake, and also shakes the centre-point, giving more detail to sub-frame motionblur. Also has options for how to deal with edge-of-frame pixels, so pushing in isn't always your best option anymore!

27 Jan 2018
Contributor: gasmasocet

3.35 Kb

Photoshop like distortion filter Polar.

23 May 2015
Contributor: KristinKL

5.63 Kb

Adds moving glitch like effect to images or certain area of an image.

05 Mar 2021
Contributor: [email protected]

7.15 Kb

Upscale your footage preserving details

26 May 2021
Contributor: cass2su

5.34 Kb

This Gizmo allows you to morph between two plates - jump cuts. Morphing between at least 5-10 frames will produce the best results. This Gizmo works best when the two plates are similar. You can increase the Vector Detail, Strength and Smoothness to get cleaner results.

12 Feb 2023
Contributor: diripirate

2.92 Kb

Make soft and handy distortions

30 Mar 2016
Contributor: chetalvfx

1.71 Kb

Through this Gizmo you can create fake reflection in post using Normal Pass.

10 Nov 2019
Contributor: lookin

2.23 Kb

A simple and fast solution to Unwarp to UV space your CG render

09 Dec 2014
Contributor: jorritSchulte

11.84 Kb

A tracker that uses vector information rather than image data to generate tracking points.

03 Mar 2018
Contributor: diogoadmin

8.38 Kb

Crop by percentage, aspect, bbox and box.

08 Jul 2010
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