Transform RSS
9.47 Kb
Transforms the input image using two points that 'look at' each other.
11.62 Kb
eSmartReformat converts Transform and CornerPin2D nodes from a compo size format to another.
4.75 Kb
A simple gizmo that allows you to offset the points of a CornerPin for little adjustments.
12.10 Kb
Fun little gizmo that gives you the magic of gravity.
9.89 Kb
Creates a cornerpin based on a solved camera and xyz position from a camera tracker. Stabilise or match move.
13.26 Kb
Allows you to make a random scale effect with motion blur. Still beta, so be kind, lol.
12.33 Kb
Allows you to make a random "slide" effect. Still in beta, so be kind. Lol