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Contributor: Kirito23

1.16 Kb

dynamic reformat for lens distortion/transformation. handy for overscan. also shows the transformation value.

06 May 2018
Contributor: unaided

30.58 Kb

GZ_Aligner is a small tool to quickly align a image to orthogonal angles.

23 Apr 2018
Contributor: karthikc

0.77 Kb

This node uses control mask to do warping. You can also use this node for stereo left and right eyes using depth map as control image

19 Mar 2018
Contributor: CameraRick

5.43 Kb

Give your CornerPins a reference frame

18 Mar 2018
Contributor: jorritSchulte

11.84 Kb

A tracker that uses vector information rather than image data to generate tracking points.

03 Mar 2018
Contributor: BenMcEwan

19.06 Kb

A replacement for Nuke's default camera shake node -- offers more control over 3 different frequencies of camera shake, and also shakes the centre-point, giving more detail to sub-frame motionblur. Also has options for how to deal with edge-of-frame pixels, so pushing in isn't always your best option anymore!

27 Jan 2018
Contributor: fastabst

1.11 Kb

Crop_bbox keeps bounding box after reformat and concatenates upstream and downstream. Standard Crop node doesn't have an option to keep bbox and it also doesn't concatenate.

03 Aug 2017
Contributor: 1XingHuan

427.74 Kb

Two sample node like the 'Scatter' and 'Copy' node in Houdini.

22 Feb 2017
Contributor: frank

3.98 Kb

mask based warper with transform controls

25 Jan 2017
Contributor: rgarfinkel

3.00 Kb

Default CameraShake node in Nuke, but with a checkerboard/sequence switch to preview the CameraShake node, now with the ability to manually change the nested checkerboard format to match project settings.

24 Jan 2017
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