Transform RSS
1.65 Kb
Deform the image using as alpha as input. it's easy to use and animate. SmoothWarp_gizmo from Laio Passos on Vimeo.
11.62 Kb
eSmartReformat converts Transform and CornerPin2D nodes from a compo size format to another.
5.41 Kb
This Gizmo gives you the power to change the reference frame of an animated STMap.
1.71 Kb
Through this Gizmo you can create fake reflection in post using Normal Pass.
3.97 Kb
Get the classic CornerPin node in a Matrix 4x4
4.29 Kb
My take on the classic 'liquify' brush effect. Painting is entirely self-contained.
9.47 Kb
Transforms the input image using two points that 'look at' each other.