Transform RSS
1.72 Kb
Displacement 2D with Chromatic Aberration
1.20 Kb
This is to make a free cam. Explore the parameters to achieve optimal results.
0.31 Kb
Crops and reformats to whatever your bounding box is!
3.35 Kb
Photoshop like distortion filter Polar.
16.26 Kb
Glitch effect, Grid glitch and box transform tools with different sliders for variation. Transforms r g b channels separately
8.00 Kb
Create lens distortion effects same as ARRI Ultra Prime Lenses. Can also be used to undistort source footage for 3D renderers.
3,105.38 Kb
Package of 3 gizmos : UV Unwrapper, an AfterEffects-like Displacement and an Infinite Texture Offset. Try it now !
2.23 Kb
A simple and fast solution to Unwarp to UV space your CG render
1.99 Kb
Transform Gizmo with 'Auto Orientation' facility.
3.51 Kb
Simple gizmo to Undistort / Redistort image from Sigma Art series lens 18-35mm with Metabones SpeedBooster 0.71x calculated by Nuke