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tpINSTA_FX is a simple Nuke gizmo developed with the aim to bring the Instagram’s photographic filters into the video footages.

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Simple gizmo for fixing 4:2:2 chroma jaggy artifact.

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nMask is gizmo for creating masks from flat colors, it's working on principe of color differences.

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It takes any values between zero and infinity and compresses them between zero and one.

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This Gizmo tries to mimic Adobe's Hue & Saturation effect. Does a pretty good job at it too.

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A collection of global tone mappers in nuke expressions.

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Secondary Colour Grading and matte separation tools

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Color matte for Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, White and where there is any colour information.

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Simple gizmo that mimics the functionality of the Photoshop Levels tool

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PAF_Matchit_BW semiautomatically match the Blackpoints and Whitepoints of a FG image based on the BG image.