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Contributor: attackid

2.01 Kb

Generate a RotoPaint node that matches your image

16 Jan 2019
Contributor: BazingaOG

13.98 Kb

This gizmo separates the texture and the color of the image giving you aiblity to work with independently.

17 Aug 2018
Contributor: bflat

4.47 Kb

Track a radial mask on UV pass

17 Nov 2015
Contributor: bobman

9.27 Kb

My first attempt at a gizmo. Simple gun laser sight setup that a colleague made. By default the colour is red. There is a check box to change the the colour to green, or change to the desired colour. The noise patterns are editable and viewable from the gizmo. To get started simply add a roto shape or matte about 4pixels in width into the LaserShape input and animate the shape to your shot's requirements. Any feedback in appreciated.

31 Mar 2014
Contributor: chadb

10.16 Kb

The Grain node rebuilt from scratch. Lean and powerful with lots of features.

29 Apr 2018
Contributor: chadb

11.14 Kb

The ScannedGrain node rebuilt from scratch. Lean and powerful with lots of features.

29 Apr 2018
Contributor: chadb

14.33 Kb

Flare Rig - Customize and build you're own unique flares (essentially it's Video Copilot Optical Flares without the library or presets for free)

29 Apr 2018
Contributor: chadb

7.90 Kb

8 point Grad/Ramp with built-in sampling

29 Apr 2018
Contributor: clay

5.34 Kb

create a ring shape

06 Oct 2015
Contributor: clay

5.31 Kb

Create a mask to slice a circle and ring.

06 Oct 2015
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