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Contributor: TheEgoWorks

1.21 Kb

High quality bloom effect

11 Feb 2014
Contributor: TheoGrez

31.65 Kb

Keying fine hair has never been easier ! This gizmo uses convolution through a 'Gabor filter', used in imaging for isolating elongated features.

02 Feb 2024
Contributor: thexdan

0.81 Kb

This is a simple soften filter based upon two non-concatenating transforms. setting the sliders to any fractional value between 0 and 1 will allow you to increase or decrease the soften. I find this softening produced by anti-aliasing to be more pleasing than the built-in soften node.

20 Mar 2014
Contributor: thexdan

5.55 Kb

Based on Bradley Friedman's workflow this gizmo samples grain by comparing the denoised plate to the original plate.

15 Aug 2019
Contributor: Tomas

18.28 Kb

Create a kaleidoscop effect based on the AE CC_Kaleida with some additional features

02 May 2012
Contributor: Tomas

7.36 Kb

realistic glows and blooming

20 Feb 2014
Contributor: trakonia

5.19 Kb

Organic glow effect GlowLight_v1.0 by Huseyin Cay

10 Mar 2018
Contributor: trakonia

4.95 Kb

Grain ARRI Alexa is simulation of Alexa grain. It includes ISO value parameter.

08 Sep 2018
Contributor: ValovicM

3.10 Kb

Small quality of life gizmo replacing merge(stencil) edge generation.

26 Jun 2023
Contributor: vangel

3.39 Kb

Blends the proceeding and the following frames motion-deformed into the actual frame to wipe out grain and GI light-flicker. With adjustable masking for areas with too much difference, minimizing visible artifacts. Should work with Nuke 6.x too.

10 May 2013
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