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2.52 Kb
Brings a Finer Edge than the usual EdgeDetectWrapper
7.63 Kb
Rebuild existing color Channel o Channels that come with undesired aberrations, offests, bad pixels, etc.
0.81 Kb
This is a simple soften filter based upon two non-concatenating transforms. setting the sliders to any fractional value between 0 and 1 will allow you to increase or decrease the soften. I find this softening produced by anti-aliasing to be more pleasing than the built-in soften node.
5.55 Kb
Based on Bradley Friedman's workflow this gizmo samples grain by comparing the denoised plate to the original plate.
3.83 Kb
This gizmo emulates the halftone effect found in comics. Any feedback would be helpful.
13.87 Kb
Yet another volumetric light gizmo for Nuke
4.86 Kb
using this gizmo Remove black and white edges.
11.64 Kb
This median filter uses a motion-vector pass to warp the frames before and the frames after to match up with the current one. The median is then taken of those selected frames to reduce flickering in noisy renders or buzzing plates. It works exactly like a 'TemporalMedian', but with the big advantage of ligning up the comparative frames to minimize blending artefacts. 7 frames are max and if you set the frames to 7, three frames before and 3 frames after the current one are considered in the calculation.
5.25 Kb
Tool for Edge Matte Generation and Control