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Standalone helper tools. Scripted, compiled, whatever it takes to get the job done
129.66 Kb
This software was made to create quickly nuke auto configurated files from an image sequence. -Supported image formats: cin, dpx, exr, gif, hdr, hdri, jpg, jpeg, iff, png, png16, psd, r3d, sgi, rgb, rgba, sgi16, pic, tif, tiff, tif16, tiff16, ftif, ftiff, tga, targa, rla, xpm, yuv
7.59 Kb
nuke 3d scene to go with the expressions 101 tutorial
3,169.07 Kb
I wanted to use the built-in icons to create some of my own variants in Illustrator. I used this script to convert the SVG folder inside the plugins/icons folder to one layered document... https://gist.github.com/mogga/9df50a1e4eb936a5a2db
1.87 Kb
An easy Mel script to move geometry from Maya to Nuke
13.17 Kb
A stylesheet for viewing performance profile xml files in browser
7.20 Kb
Example Flame pybox scripts Use to host a Nuke scene within a Flame pybox node
6.34 Kb
Allows you to quickly align or evenly distribute the selected Nuke nodes.
3.13 Kb
A registry key that associates .nk files with NukeX.