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51.54 Kb
Paste After Effects corner pins in Nuke. Easy!
8.32 Kb
Creates a scene with camera and locators from a .txt exported from Boujou
4.46 Kb
Translates MochaAE Cornerpin Data to a Nuke CornerPin node.
23.58 Kb
Processes an FCP XML file from FCP 7 or Premiere Pro into a Nuke Script for each clip in the timeline.
2.61 Kb
Exports Syntheyes 2D tracks or 3D points as text file. Imports file as Nuke Tracker node.
9.81 Kb
Exports Geometry(also Sequences), Cameras, Lights and Locators from Maya to Nuke into one Setup Nuke-Scene and keeps the animation on the Channels.
4.50 Kb
Exports a Nuke-Camera as a fm2n-File to import it into Maya.
10.49 Kb
Exports Geometry, Lights and Locators into one set-up Nuke-Script.
7.90 Kb
This python script reads the nuke comp and collects the scene to another location for archiving.
14.76 Kb
Nuke to Silhouette is a tool used to for quick and easy project setups with just one click of a button.