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Contributor: Kapinat

4.96 Kb

ClipboardPaste Everything NUKE

28 Jun 2023
Contributor: [email protected]

19,662.33 Kb

Free panel for The Foundry’s Nuke that improves the import/export of the scripts, or parts of them, using Groups

11 Dec 2023
Contributor: lacrossj

2.21 Kb

Breaks out FBX geo into individual OBJs

12 Aug 2011
Contributor: leafpictures

30.43 Kb

capture is a nuke python script to share node setups and images with other users and run them synchronized on several machines.

07 Aug 2014
Contributor: leafpictures

39.83 Kb

convert any read node to its correct input node. This ensures that you can simply drag and drop all files from your explorer to your node graph and and automatically convert to the correct input read node. Works with deep exr, abc, fbx, obj

24 Jun 2016
Contributor: Mad007

1.88 Kb

Customizable script to automate the creation of the write node with the correct file path, Ultra easy to customize just open the script and see the examples, If you have any doubts please fell free to contact me! Happy coding

19 Mar 2016
Contributor: marcozazza

12.91 Kb

Collect all the read nodes sequences (also read geo nodes, and camera nodes with the read file checked) into a project folder and give a relative path to every read nodes. Once everything is collected into the Project folder you can move the folder everywhere you want without loosing the connection in the nuke script with the read nodes. Great for free freelance or students projects.

24 Apr 2012
Contributor: Mark

1.58 Kb

“Mocha AE Import” is a Python script that enables you to import tracking data from Mocha for After Effects into Nuke and create a corner pin node from it.

02 May 2012
Contributor: MatteHue

0.48 Kb

Allows you to drag and drop alembic (.abc) files into your node graph.

03 Jan 2016
Contributor: matvsax

11.62 Kb

Useful python script that lets you quickly save your scene in a single folder.

23 Sep 2015
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