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1.03 Kb
Render the selected WriteNodes with frame range from the top ReadNode of each three.
3.95 Kb
This script allows you to do an automatic reload of the frame range of a Read based on the file path. This is the version for the normal path, if you are interested in knowing the version for the path with TCL, go to my other script Reload_Read_Ranges
0.83 Kb
Edit the metadata tags and the path to the date file.
2.52 Kb
Export the Featuretracks of Nuke's CameraTracker Node into a txt file
1.64 Kb
Simplifies using sequentially-numbered ASCII files from disk in a Text node.
3.86 Kb
This script automatically imports 4 ascii track files into nuke in form of animated CornerPin with changeable reference frame setting.
5.44 Kb
For setting up rendering different language or color versions faster. Not sure if work with older Nuke or Other Platforms. I only tested under Windows, but i think it will work because the script doesn't have any fancy function.
2.67 Kb
Send selected nodes to an artist quickly and easily using a predefined email account.
2.14 Kb
adds an export tab to F_Align to export corner pins
3.90 Kb
Tool for making half-rez proxies of mediaimage sequences in a script. Appends proxy paths to selected Read and Write nodes in the script or all Read and Write nodes if no none are selected. It creates reformats and write nodes. Our in house version submits these to the render farm and it should be fairly easy to hook this up should you wish to do so. Tested on Linux but should work fine on Windows or OSX.