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Contributor: Darren

7.14 Kb

AOV selector will show you all your layers grouped into convenient lists from anywhere within your script, and allow you to search, view, and work with them.

04 Apr 2017
Contributor: satheesh

2.05 Kb

This script extract selected roto shapes from selected roto, rotopaint node in nuke. Usually we use to do, copy the desired roto shapes and then create a new roto node and paste the shapes. If roto node contain baked tracker info, then we copy paste the entire roto node and then delete unwanted shape's from pasted roto node. I have created extractSelectedShapes script to make this process automatically. Tested several times and working with nuke 6, 7, 8 versions. This code also work with roto shapes imported from silhouette and mocha. for bugs and reports: [email protected]

02 Oct 2014
Contributor: diogoadmin

2.23 Kb

Converts a hex value to a linear RGB float using Nuke's standard sRGB to Linear LUT

08 Jul 2010
Contributor: fuzzymango

7.91 Kb

This Python script takes looks at the selected read node and sets the project full-size format, aspect ratio, and frame range to that of the read node. If the full-size format does not exist in the current user's list of formats, it prompts the user to name the new format before setting the project settings. Useful when first creating a script and you want to quickly set your project settings.

24 Mar 2020
Contributor: satheesh

3.13 Kb

1.5: Added colorspace selection function. Tested nuke 8.0, 9.0+. refined the script from older version. 1.4: Added channel selection function. Hi nuker's finally found a solution for our long time wish and expectation. Now you can save image from the viewer. Like eyeon fusion and other application.

01 Apr 2016
Contributor: BLUE FACES

1.37 Kb

Convert CornerPin node imported from Mocha to tracker node

22 Jun 2011
Contributor: mborgo

13.47 Kb

Convert Roto and Rotopaint nodes shapes to a Splinewarp Node. This Nuke script will bake the actual shape's points positions to splinewarp shapes on the requested framerange, including transforms on the parent Layers

01 Jan 2014
Contributor: fredrik

2.65 Kb

Launch the source directory of the selected Read or Write node.

12 Nov 2011
Contributor: Geoffroy

1.96 Kb

based on the Foundry's Autobackdrop.py with a nuke panel asking for the label and the name of your autobackdrop, with 4 colors presets and 4 different font size. the Default color is grey.

07 Aug 2011
Contributor: frank

2.82 Kb

bake all gizmos starting at a given level

09 May 2015
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