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0.80 Kb
Renames all the currently selected nodes sequentially
24.34 Kb
Set a new reference frame for any baked-in Transform or CornerPin2D node. Generate information for either MatchMove or Stabilize.
6.36 Kb
In order to make a faster to process tree, this tool helps you crop out the unused area of your render passes. It makes use of CurveTool and Crop nodes.
33.05 Kb
blackbox automatically creates a backup file of your current nuke script whenever you save. You can choose the backup location and how much backups you want to have per script. With that no data gets lost and you can always jump back to older versions.
1.15 Kb
A tool used to change the same knob in all selected nodes
15.76 Kb
Tools for deleting, renaming, repadding clips from within Nuke.
9.20 Kb
Creates a ready to start Script with Shuffles for each Channel and preset Merges
0.59 Kb
Reloads all read nodes in the current script.
3.57 Kb
This script will make all the file paths relative to the script location on the disk