NodeGraph RSS
114.71 Kb
When open your nuke comp... This script automatically switches the paths when identify the Os (Windows, MacOs, Linux). So you can open your nuke comp or send to a network render independent of your Os.
0.36 Kb
simple code snippet for toggling visibility of selected nodes
0.52 Kb
A script to tweak Nuke's Copy/Paste function so that Postage Stamps, when copied, connect to the source's input.
1.93 Kb
Generates a PostageStamp node from the selected node/s
0.54 Kb
Use a hot key to show or hide all PostageStamp node inputs in your script.
1.50 Kb
Automatically update all precomp nodes to the latest version
8.91 Kb
Create quick preset customised Backdrops
0.85 Kb
Displays knobs, values and value types of the selected node.
124.29 Kb
a set (or a hub ;-) of python scripts to help organising and be efficient in Nuke !