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Contributor: webtem

504.09 Kb

Easier navigation in nuke node graph

30 Jul 2023
Contributor: filsus

305.88 Kb

KnobHijacker is a Nuke (Foundry) plugin, that enables the user to 'hijack' chosen knobs and their QWidget container on a selected node, by either pressing a keyboard shortcut or a mouse button right-click. The behaviour of the QWidget container can be modified thus automating the value input from the user. For example, the size knob on the Blur node can be hijacked instantly prompting the user to enter the size value and confirm by pressing the Return key.

19 Aug 2024
Contributor: tianlunjiang

25.80 Kb

Labelling nodes with a fancy UI for compers who like to labelling stuff

01 Mar 2020
Contributor: nfrancisj

2.11 Kb

Label Tracker Exports Automatically

25 May 2021
Contributor: mrhowardjones

0.96 Kb

A tool to auto label dots for script management

09 Oct 2012
Contributor: Charles Angus

14.37 Kb

Labelmaker is a wholesale replacement for Foundry Nuke's, offering much more information at a glance in the node graph. Try it - after using it for a while, you'll feel blind without it. No more opening the properties panel to see what a node is doing - Labelmaker shows you this info right in the DAG.

23 Nov 2020
Contributor: satheesh

0.96 Kb automatically sets the selected rotoshapes lifetime based on the shapes key frame's. This code get the selected shapes keyframe value ( example: 10, 20, 30) and apply min and max to lifetime start and end respectively. After i run this code my roto shape lifetime set to 10 - 30 automatically by single click or short-key.

02 Apr 2016
Contributor: satheesh

1.96 Kb

v2.0: fixed some label index issue. Added separator on the properties menu. v1.7: Fixed some issues in OC function. v1.6: Added new feature. Now this code works with node locked inside Group node. v1.5ː Fixed adding new line each time while user lock and unlock multiple times. Which causing node became bigger and bigger. 1.3:Minor bug fix. When user un_lock knob. Label text line-up in one line. Now this script support multi line label. This code allow user to lock the nodes knob. Once you lock the knobs, then you cant modify any sliders until you un-lock the knobs. This will save you from any accident changes. Hope this will help you guys.

20 May 2020
Contributor: ewok

4.51 Kb

LockViewer locks a selected node to a chosen viewer (1-10). Pressing the same viewer number on a different node results in showing up the 'locked' node.

29 Feb 2012
Contributor: nickonstad

3.33 Kb

Generate Markers (Sticky Notes) that display the frame number they were created on with corresponding keyframes, frames are automatically organized in numerical order from the lowest to the highest frame number.

06 Dec 2023
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