Render RSS
146.82 Kb
This tool shows a Notification with some tools after a Nuke render finished
4.66 Kb
Save Frame is a simple script to save the current frame to a file.
19.21 Kb
You can merge read nodes into a single open exr file as channels quickly, forget about joining nodes with shuffle one by one. This tool will do it automatically.
2.80 Kb
Multi-Shot Render Script - Poor Man's Render Farm
4.74 Kb
RenderMultiFrame script splits frame ranges across parallel jobs for efficient, multi-threaded rendering in Nuke, ideal for complex scenes and workflows.
32.07 Kb
It’s a tool to help artists create a template to break the AOVs for arnold.
10.86 Kb
A Python tool for queuing renders on a single workstation
1.60 Kb
In this code, a new directory called 'rendered_script' will be created within the output folder, and the Nuke script will be saved in that directory as a separate file with the same name. The code handles the creation of the directory if it doesn't exist. Please replace the previous code with this in your file. The 'Render and Save Script' button will now save the Nuke script as a separate file in the 'rendered_script' directory within the output folder.
18.87 Kb
The RecentRedners tool displays all recently rendered shots.