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Contributor: CameronC

3.66 Kb

This Node is a Cheat-Sheet for TCL Waveform Expressions. It allows for the simple generation of Waves for controlling knob values.

18 Nov 2013
Contributor: Croesus

2.30 Kb

This write node works like any other but is designed to create a folder called 'render' wherever the Nuke script is saved and will base the output name on the name of the script.

15 Dec 2018
Contributor: edubran

1.01 Kb

Toolset to auto switch at the render

10 Dec 2019
Contributor: ErwanL

8.69 Kb

A suite of tools for creating and manipulating Vectors, UV maps and Normal maps. Includes a UV generator, UV to Vector convertions, Normals generator, and more. (updated)

14 May 2016
Contributor: falk.hofmann

3.42 Kb

small Tool to find and mark Nodes with the '$gui' Expression

18 Nov 2013
Contributor: filsus

44.79 Kb

Fast and easy GUI for Nuke ToolSets. Create, modify, share and paste all your ToolSets with a click of a button.

18 Jan 2022
Contributor: frank

31.62 Kb

a simple pool table setup with J_Mullet

23 Aug 2012
Contributor: fxtor

4.03 Kb

Simple copy/paste or link values, without the hassle of manually opening every node and typing in values or expressions. Copy/Paste or link KnobValues from one main node to multiple other selected nodes, by the click of a button. Select which values you want to copy or link by listing them in a text field, then select the nodes you want to include: and click the button.

06 Aug 2016
Contributor: fxtor

42.99 Kb

toolset/python tool to deal with all $gui expressions in a nuke script (works on root and inside groups). the tool lets you bake the inverted expressions (to make sure the comp-tree looks exactly the same as the render from the renderfarm) Checks for deleted nodes, existing expressions etc. before storing or restoring knob's $gui expressions. If expressions exist, user will get the option to replace or skip. Tool works on index level for knobs

20 Mar 2021
Contributor: fxtor

9.27 Kb

fxT_precompController is a Toolset/python tool to easily keep track of precomps in large nuke scripts. see video demo for all features.

28 Oct 2021
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