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Contributor: maxvanleeuwen

475.11 Kb

A node looper for Nuke

22 Apr 2021
Contributor: fxtor

42.99 Kb

toolset/python tool to deal with all $gui expressions in a nuke script (works on root and inside groups). the tool lets you bake the inverted expressions (to make sure the comp-tree looks exactly the same as the render from the renderfarm) Checks for deleted nodes, existing expressions etc. before storing or restoring knob's $gui expressions. If expressions exist, user will get the option to replace or skip. Tool works on index level for knobs

20 Mar 2021
Contributor: Lacrau

3.15 Kb

The easiest way to make a flickering effect. This node works like an 'opacity flickering', but you can transfer the Result values to any knob that support animation. Set the maximum/minimum/frequency value, and done!

17 Dec 2020
Contributor: thexdan

0.86 Kb

A Python powered node that creates a checklist from a copy pasted text of notes.

13 Sep 2020
Contributor: hossam.galal

28.20 Kb

A small python tool to assist with changing the values of knobs on multiple nodes inside of nuke at the same time without the need to type one by one To who don't want to type python every time we want to change the value of 30 different nodes at the same time

23 Jul 2020
Contributor: hossam.galal

16.10 Kb

ReduseScript helps speed up your Nuke Script by disabling heavy nodes

10 Jul 2020
Contributor: fynnay

106.75 Kb

Generate and modify animation curves with this toolset collection

22 Jun 2020
Contributor: fxtor

7.69 Kb

Customized Dot to easily connect to any nodes in your nukescript in a very neat and efficient way. Toolset/python tool. See video for demonstration.

26 Apr 2020
Contributor: gasmasocet

7.35 Kb

each shape to tracker containing track for each point from the shape. fast and simple.

30 Jan 2020
Contributor: edubran

1.01 Kb

Toolset to auto switch at the render

10 Dec 2019
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