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Contributor: victorperez

14.52 Kb

Evaluate and test a matte. A perfect tool for advance roto & paint users in Nuke X

03 Aug 2010
Contributor: satheesh

6.78 Kb

switchMatte works like shakes switchMatte and Fusion's matteControl. Updated with despill control. v2.0 added despill function v2.1. Added bounding box future.

21 Jun 2014
Contributor: otaku

10.39 Kb

uses an alpha channel or a black&white image and add it to a given image. including a premult option.

27 Dec 2010
Contributor: elephantplus

1.85 Kb

This gizmo emulates AfterEffects Knoll Unmult plugin.

26 Feb 2011
Contributor: ARJones

3.67 Kb

Simple but nice and useful Depth Keyer

25 May 2011
Contributor: WACOMalt

3.54 Kb

This basic gizmo simply adds some noise to your alphas around the areas that aren't solid.

19 Aug 2015
Contributor: siamshukoor

2.94 Kb

RGB matte extraction tool.

19 Dec 2011
Contributor: siamshukoor

3.85 Kb

Colormatte can be used to extract different part from a color pass with the help of rgb pass.

29 Feb 2012
Contributor: siamshukoor

4.90 Kb

Multimatte can be used to extract 7 colors from a single matte pass plus the alpha channel.

29 Feb 2012
Contributor: supertommehugo

4.56 Kb

Enable or disable a branch of your script within a certain framerange

20 Aug 2012
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