Channel RSS
5.14 Kb
Channel Offset allows the user to easily slide individual RGB channels in both x and y. Whether its correcting chromatic aberration or creating it this toll gives you complete control.
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Combines multiple channels of the input into a single matte.
1.48 Kb
A tool that emulates the Channel Boolean tool from Fusion
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The CopyChannels gizmo makes it easy to stream custom named channels into to pipe of nuke.
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this node is a simplified version of nukes shuffle node. the integer slider is dynamic and will always show the number of available layers. the selected layer will always be shuffled into rgba.
3.85 Kb
Colormatte can be used to extract different part from a color pass with the help of rgb pass.
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If you have a CG rendered with a colored BG and not Black you will get and edge issue with regular Premult. But with this ColorPremult Gizmo it will solve the edge and Semi-Transparency issue save you time as you don't have to re-render you image with black background. Hope this helps. Thanks Kundan
1.52 Kb
Extract Coverage Pass from render in Arnold & Renderman
0.78 Kb
Generate a mathematically accurate and replicable depth haze/fog based on a depth map.
9.05 Kb
You can create Channel/Layer just by text for Dimatte. you retain the flexibility to rename the generated channels using the Toolset.