Colo(u)r RSS
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Simple and Quick way to whitebalance your shots, based on OCIOCDL node
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It takes any values between zero and infinity and compresses them between zero and one.
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ColorRemapping allows you to create colour gradients based on the luminance of the image.
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**updated version 2.2** Now has additional controls for format and you can now control the intensity of the false colour effect. 'False Color' or 'Helper' filters (similar to those used in photoshop) to help match plates colour, luminosity and saturation. Place after final merge then grades target upstream using the helper filters to match colour, tone and value.
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Simple gizmo for fixing 4:2:2 chroma jaggy artifact.
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the script will create a group with OCIOFileTransfoms to quickly switch between color correction
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Handy tool for creating and adjusting Vignette corrections by Den Gheiko
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A kind of DaVinci Resolve 'Hue Vs Hue', 'Hue Vs Sat' and 'Hue Vs Lum' color correction tool