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20.81 Kb
Nuke implementation for 2D Gradients. Create an arbitrary number of color-samples in 2D and produce a smooth, natural interpolation over the entire image.
3.79 Kb
Simple gizmo that mimics the functionality of the Photoshop Levels tool
1.43 Kb
Simple tool for changing the saturation but toward a picked colour.
2.84 Kb
Blacks match is a tool for matching the toe portion of the film response.
3.34 Kb
PAF_Matchit_BW semiautomatically match the Blackpoints and Whitepoints of a FG image based on the BG image.
3.34 Kb
HueTransfer gizmo to convert an incoming element and BG into HSV color space and swap the hues. Useful to blend in glass crack elements and other transparent elements with the BG.
4.79 Kb
This Gizmo tries to mimic Adobe's Hue & Saturation effect. Does a pretty good job at it too.
34.44 Kb
This Gizmo helps you to quickly create a grade node that matches colors from source footage to target footage. Can be used to quickly and roughly match the grade from one shot to another.
2.68 Kb
Your plate is clipped and you need pingy highlights.