5.83 Kb
Dehazes shots in a Lightroom-like fashion. Based on a tutorial by Mads Hagbarth Damsbo

9.52 Kb
Iterable keyer grade stack to create shadow or highlight pass.

10.89 Kb
You can get the color format you want for nuke or html, including hex, decimal, float. (Convert rgb to hex or hex to rgb.)

24.56 Kb
LUE is a advanced colorgrading toolset for Nuke

4.86 Kb
This tool is basically a RolloffContrast just on the Luminance. It is really usefull for creating shadows on plates with already existing shadows.

26.71 Kb
Matches colors of two input images or neutralizes to a reference colorspace target using one of the common color charts (eg. MacBeth ColorChecker)

5.44 Kb
Provide more options on Gamma math. Make contrast more easier in color integration. Break the boundary of default Gamma method.

0.84 Kb
Remap the luminance of the RGB channels based on an input colour ramp.

8.67 Kb
EdgeGrade allows you to grade and control the edge of an input element in a quick and intuitive way.

1.53 Kb
Converts the colorspace between Alexa.rec709 and logC.