Colo(u)r RSS
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LUE is a advanced colorgrading toolset for Nuke
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This tool is basically a RolloffContrast just on the Luminance. It is really usefull for creating shadows on plates with already existing shadows.
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Matches colors of two input images or neutralizes to a reference colorspace target using one of the common color charts (eg. MacBeth ColorChecker)
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Provide more options on Gamma math. Make contrast more easier in color integration. Break the boundary of default Gamma method.
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Remap the luminance of the RGB channels based on an input colour ramp.
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EdgeGrade allows you to grade and control the edge of an input element in a quick and intuitive way.
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Converts the colorspace between Alexa.rec709 and logC.
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Fixing Aces blue neon colors, Red lights in RED cameras, Red and blue lights in Blackmagic.. etc.
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Simple Matchgrade gizmo that allows you to pick a target and a source color. The gizmo will simply apply a color correction to the source color and change its rgb values into the target color. Especially helpful when trying to match the color of a patch. You'll also have access to the standard features of a grade node like mask input or mix.
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Enter a Hex / RGB 8bit / Float value to create your desired color.