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Contributor: NeronDeSouza

1.37 Kb

radial rings is an expression based animator for creating radial rings. You can use it as a wipe tool or ripple effects. Hope it would come in handy.

26 Aug 2019
Contributor: CreativeLyons

5.54 Kb

Noise with user friendly animation sliders and overscan

13 Jun 2019
Contributor: PetarBG

44.85 Kb

Gizmo to create steel wool and burning effects.

25 Apr 2019
Contributor: LukasFabian

14.44 Kb

As Nukes Glint Node, but with a nicer exponential falloff.

26 Mar 2019
Contributor: Eyki

82.85 Kb

MECfiller is a pixelation and filter based filler tool. Its main use is to fill in missing information and to extend available information for a full picture estimation. This tool is based on Mads Hagbart's FFfiller approach and idea.

25 Mar 2019
Contributor: attackid

2.01 Kb

Generate a RotoPaint node that matches your image

16 Jan 2019
Contributor: alexander055

1.89 Kb

Very simple gizmo that randomizes the outline of your shape.

07 Jan 2019
Contributor: guillej.rodriguez

8.11 Kb

Edge detect - autoroto builder

20 Nov 2018
Contributor: BazingaOG

13.98 Kb

This gizmo separates the texture and the color of the image giving you aiblity to work with independently.

17 Aug 2018
Contributor: malu05

49.06 Kb

A simple little visual gradient editor.

27 Jun 2018
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