Draw RSS
11.68 Kb
Quickly generate mattes from 3d objects by utilizing the renderID and coverage passes.
7.84 Kb
Emulates a moire pattern typically seen in computer monitors.
2.15 Kb
A simple Gizmo that dynamically calculates and adds the black bars to your footage based on aspect ration to get that Anamorphic film look
1,469.77 Kb
'FlareFactory Plus' is a tool I wrote that fills a big gap in Nuke…preset Lens flares.
12.69 Kb
Toolset to generate single light flaring with shimmering.
9.93 Kb
Noise that seamlessly wraps around spheres.
9.27 Kb
My first attempt at a gizmo. Simple gun laser sight setup that a colleague made. By default the colour is red. There is a check box to change the the colour to green, or change to the desired colour. The noise patterns are editable and viewable from the gizmo. To get started simply add a roto shape or matte about 4pixels in width into the LaserShape input and animate the shape to your shot's requirements. Any feedback in appreciated.