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Contributor: cmccrowe

21.73 Kb

This is a tool to help line up perspective. Roto splines are expression linked the the edge of the frame and a 2D position knob.

02 Aug 2020
Contributor: clay

5.31 Kb

Create a mask to slice a circle and ring.

06 Oct 2015
Contributor: MiguelT

11.05 Kb

Break the edges and feather of your alpha using some dis

26 Jan 2022
Contributor: kevinfisch3

1.40 Kb

A simple light wrap node that stencils the fg from the bg before wrapping, to prevent the transparent effect.

13 Jan 2020
Contributor: revolt33

5.12 Kb

Applies grain properly to blurry edges

10 May 2017
Contributor: bflat

4.47 Kb

Track a radial mask on UV pass

17 Nov 2015
Contributor: Dan Howard

6.91 Kb

'Grain' Node with added menu option to be able to select a specific mask channel (replaces the stock 'Apply only though alpha' option).

08 Mar 2016
Contributor: Synicade

3.15 Kb

A smarter, easier to adjust version of the default Rectangle node.

06 Apr 2012
Contributor: alexeywhitewood

4.62 Kb

It's a standard Nuke Grain2 node, but with ability to control noise intensity in darks only.

11 Oct 2016
Contributor: attackid

2.01 Kb

Generate a RotoPaint node that matches your image

16 Jan 2019
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