Draw RSS
11.68 Kb
Quickly generate mattes from 3d objects by utilizing the renderID and coverage passes.
9.27 Kb
My first attempt at a gizmo. Simple gun laser sight setup that a colleague made. By default the colour is red. There is a check box to change the the colour to green, or change to the desired colour. The noise patterns are editable and viewable from the gizmo. To get started simply add a roto shape or matte about 4pixels in width into the LaserShape input and animate the shape to your shot's requirements. Any feedback in appreciated.
2.19 Kb
This gizmo is created inspired by Flow box roto tool. Instead of creating roto and animating, one can draw a quick outline of a subject and it will create a solid roto for you. Very useful and timing saving tool. Feedback are highly appreciated
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The shapeArray Gizmo is designed to create a array of mathematical shapes.
82.85 Kb
MECfiller is a pixelation and filter based filler tool. Its main use is to fill in missing information and to extend available information for a full picture estimation. This tool is based on Mads Hagbart's FFfiller approach and idea.
44.85 Kb
Gizmo to create steel wool and burning effects.
259.68 Kb
Quickly check your roto and mattes with instant test environments