Draw RSS
3.81 Kb
Roto gizmo with simplified interface
261.44 Kb
This Gizmo/Toolset will generate a Voronoi using only expression nodes. I made this so people can use Voronoi maps on Nuke Indie/Non-commercial without Blinkscript.
2.83 Kb
Colour Noise is a simple noise pattern generator with scalable and animatable separate RGB channel controls.
1.63 Kb
A handy gizmo for Nuke that generates an outline of the alpha matte. With just a few clicks, you can quickly and easily create a clear and precise outline of your matte, making it easier to fine-tune your compositing work
6.15 Kb
A gizmo to quickly and easily add droplets in front of the lens of a shot.
3.07 Kb
Makes the semitransparent edge noisy in alpha channel
42,608.91 Kb
Generates an adjustable and animatable sun and sky background plate. Inspired by the physical sky implementation in 3D renders like Arnold
44.42 Kb
A collection of cutout screen mattes for holding out screen inserts.
6.61 Kb
This is a draw gizmo that will help to add tree gobo dynamic lighting.